Let's start with the 'why'...

BSC is  redefining customer service in property, placing the passion and focus on customers.  BSC understands the missing puzzle to attaining  sales. and the ultimate goal for a company operating in the property sector  involves:

  • Securing  sales
  • Retaining profits
  • Achieving  return on investments

BSC recognises the barriers  to attaining ultimate goals.

Barriers  properties  face to  secure sales.

  • Managers who are comfortable with managing the building  but not sales.
  • Passive customer service.
  • Lack of professional customer care.
  • Lack of competitive edge.
  • Lack of clear sales process.
  • Ineffective marketing plan, lack of  enthusiasm, creativity, passion, diligence and accountability to name a few.

  BSC believes managers should focus on managing the building and its residents. 


There is hope, don't despair.  BSC offers professional consulting services to helps properties achieve their objectives.

 BSC overview of solutions to overcome challenges faced:

  • Hire   passionate sales consultants to help drive sales, focus on customer acquisition and achieve result on investments.
  • Identify  and highlight the  unique selling points of your property.
  • Carry out market research and analyses to develop a competitive edge. 
  • Identify and understand your core target market.
  • Use of  professional frameworks such as SWOT analysis to provide detailed scope of current practices and areas of improvements.
  • Overview of marketing plan covering how to effectively increase brand awareness, drive traffic, increase enquiries and  close sales.
  • Effective use of creative ideas in the online and offline environment to maximise sales.
  • Design effective field sales process  for instance,  professional face to face  service to support  customers alongside the sales journey when looking for their perfect  home with your property in mind.  

Understandably, properties will have different target market  please see image below and other key stakeholders such as universities, colleges, parents, guardians and more.

BSC focuses  on utilising specific approach unique to each business to achieve desired results.  BSC is passionate about creating the best services to attract and retain your target market. 

BSC ethos: At the heart of every successful  property are  happy customers.  


  Please get in touch with us today to discuss further  blessingssalesconsulting@outlook.com